Major Hazard Competent Person Responsibilities

Competent Person Major Hazard is registered under the provisions of Regulation 13, Occupational Safety and Health (The Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Regulations, 1996.

Duties of a Competent Person

To provide consultations to the manufacturer in major hazard control especially in the following areas:
In the preparation of a written report (new report) containing the information specified under the Schedule 6 of the Regulations for submission to the Director General.

  • In the preparation of a further report (modification report) to take account of those changes make in any modification works for submission to the Director General.
  • In the preparation of a further report (updating report) which shall have regard in particular to new technical knowledge which materially affects the particulars in the previous report relating to safety and development in the knowledge of hazard assessment for submission to the Director General.
  • In the preparation and keeping up to date an adequate on site emergency plan for submission to the Director General.
Reference: DOSH

Link to Major Hazard Competent Person Qualifications